Ayesha Haskell

I am a 500+ ERYT, YT Lead Trainer, Somatic Embodiment Coach, Possibility Practitioner, Earth Steward, Sacred Ritualist, outdoor adventurer & playful student of life! My journey has been a quest to know what exist...

Somatic Embodiment Flow with Ayesha


at Divine Yoga Studios (285 S. Mountain Rd. Fruit Heights, UT 84037)

Somatic embodiment Flow is a moving meditation that guides the practitioner into the totality of their human experience. Through a mergence of somatic awareness, breath, balanced & dynamic movement, intuitive expression, somatic opening, and honoring of the full spectrum of our humanness, we create space to not only be with what lives inside our current somatic shape, but also initiate a bridging of that shape to one that can access greater possibility, freedom & choice.