Ayesha Haskell

I am a 500+ ERYT, YT Lead Trainer, Somatic Embodiment Coach, Possibility Practitioner, Earth Steward, Sacred Ritualist, outdoor adventurer & playful student of life! My journey has been a quest to know what exist...

Power Play Yoga with Robin


at Divine Yoga Studios (285 S. Mountain Rd. Fruit Heights, UT 84037)

Welcome to our Power Play yoga class! This dynamic session is all about infusing playfulness and fun into a high-energy power yoga practice.  In this class, we encourage you to let go of inhibitions and embrace the adventurous spirit within you.  You'll flow through a sequence of dynamic postures that build strength, flexibility, and balance.  We'll introduce cretive variations and transitions, inviting you to test your limits while maintaining a lighthearted atmosphere. 
Prepare to engage your body, mind, and spirit in a practice that will leave you feeling invigorated and accomplished with a smile on your face! It's a grown up recess from life to play with your friends.